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Florida Workers’ Compensation Act.

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  • Key Tip

    Do not give a recorded statement. Speak to an attorney first. Do not get stuck with walk-in clinic care. In most cases, you need a medical specialist for your particular injuries, but the insurance companies will do everything they can to keep you in a walk-in clinic. This is a very confusing law with many nuances. Know the rules, know what to expect. The attorneys at RITE Law can get you where you need to go and in doing so will maximize the value of your claim. There is no cost for consultations. You cannot afford NOT to speak to one of our attorneys!

    – someone that knows the ins and outs of the Longshore injuries! Under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, an injured worker is entitled to their choice of physician. An injured worker is not required to treat with a doctor the employer or their insurance company chooses. Be careful not to sign a “choice of physician form” the insurance company will likely give you along with several other forms they will tell you are required for you to sign. Sometimes, they even require the forms to be signed prior to authorizing any medical treatment. It is always best to have an experienced Longshore attorney review any documents before you sign and return them to the insurance company.

Florida Worker Compensation Act

The Florida Workers’ Compensation Act was established to help injured and/or ill employees and their families overcome the financial issues that result from work-related injuries and illnesses that occur within the state of Florida, outside the coverage of any type of federal coverage. If you are injured as a result of a work-related incident, or if you develop a condition or disease as a result of the type of work you do, your employer’s workers’ compensation coverage may entitle you to medical, partial wage replacement and possibly permanent damage benefits.

If you are injured on the job, you need to:

  • Immediately contact your employer to report your on-the-job injury/illness. Identify all body parts that are injured and be specific when identifying areas of pain.
  • Provide your employer a copy of the Medical Treatment/Status Reporting form (DWC25) after each medical appointment. Keep your appointments and be sure to follow the treatment plan. Clarify your work status during appointments and before you leave the physician’s office. The Employer/Carrier retains the right to suspend medical and indemnity (money) benefits for failure to attend appointments.
  • Continue to see your authorized physician as often as medically necessary; however, in no event should you allow more than one (1) year to pass without seeing your authorized treating physician (ATP). Failure to see your ATP within one (1) year from the last date you saw him/her will result in a complete waiver of any further rights you have under the law.
  • Return to work when you are released by your physician and when your employer offers a position within your physical limitations to avoid suspension of your lost wage benefits.
  • To begin the judicial process for obtaining benefits that you believe are due to you and in which have not been provided timely, a Petition For Benefits must be filed with the Office of Judge of Compensation Claims. Once a PFB is filed, please know that limited aspects of your claim become public knowledge via the Office of Judge of Compensation Claims.

Although you are not required to have an attorney to represent you in your claim, it is highly recommended. The Employee Assistance Office does not provide legal advice, however; they will answer basic questions about your rights and responsibilities and may be able to resolve problems you have with your workers’ compensation claim.

Problems You May Face With Your Workers’ Comp Claim

While workers’ compensation is meant to protect you, as workers compensation lawyers in Florida with decades of experience, we’ve seen many instances where the claim goes awry. Here are some of the problems you may experience when filing a claim:

  • Employer downplaying your injuries: this is a very common scenario in which an employer claims that the worker was injured outside their line of work or that their injuries are minor. They may also go as far as to pressure the employee to return to work before they’re cleared by their physician.
  • Employer failing to follow up on the claim: in this instance, an employer doesn't follow up on the claim promptly. For instance, they may forget to file the paperwork or file it to the incorrect address. Both of these can cause significant delays in processing the claim and, in the worst-case scenario, may lead to workers’ comp benefits being denied.
  • Claim denial: even if you and your employer do everything properly, your claim may still get denied. Generally, this will happen due to simple technical mistakes, but it’s also not uncommon for insurance companies to deny well-founded claims.

You can effectively minimize the possibility of running into these problems by hiring a workers compensation Florida lawyer.

Benefits Of Hiring A Workers Compensation Lawyer Jacksonville FL

While a Florida compensation attorney may not be necessary in every case, you can benefit from hiring one. Here are some of the key ways they can help:

Maximize your claim

Monetary losses from a workplace injury can add up quickly. Fortunately, a lawyer will make sure you’re receiving the maximum amount of benefits possible that you’re entitled to by state law. 

Seek out the right benefits

Workers compensation lawyers in Florida can clarify which type of benefits you’re entitled to. For example, you may qualify for vocational benefits without even knowing, in which case you can greatly minimize the financial impact of the accident on your life.

Maximize your negotiating power

Despite being eligible, you’re very likely to receive pushback from your employer’s insurance company. This typically isn’t a big deal for an attorney, as they can communicate with the insurer on your behalf and eliminate the chances of any unfair treatment by the insurance company representatives.

Negotiate a lump-sum settlement

There’s always a possibility that the insurance company will terminate your benefits a lot sooner than they should. This is why you should work with a workers compensation Florida lawyer who can negotiate a lump sum payment for you, which may help completely circumvent many problems down the road.

Have a professional handle your appeal

Though you deserve benefits, you may still get denied by the insurer multiple times, in which case your only option is to file an appeal. It’s true that you can do this on your own, but if you want to increase your chances of winning, your best bet is to utilize the legal expertise of a workers comp defense lawyer - especially in cases in which you’ll have to square off against the lawyers representing the insurance company

Florida Workers’ Compensation lawyer jacksonville

Without an attorney, the insurance companies are most likely to cut corners - which can be too stressful for anyone to handle, particularly when recovering from an injury.

If you have a Workers’ Compensation issue, contact the Law Offices of RITE law for your Free Case Evaluation today. There are no upfront costs or fees, and we only receive a fee if we recover a settlement on your behalf.

Workers' Compensation FAQs

Florida Workers Compensation Act Law
  • What is workers' compensation?

    Workers' compensation is a system of insurance that benefits employees injured or who become ill due to their work. The benefits include medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation, and disability payments. 

    Workers' compensation aims to provide financial assistance to employees injured on the job without the need for litigation or proving fault. 


    Employers must carry workers' compensation insurance, and employees injured or ill due to their work-related activities are generally entitled to benefits under the system.

  • Do I need a workers' compensation attorney?

    Whether or not you need a workers' compensation attorney depends on the specifics of your case and your comfort level with handling legal matters. Hiring an attorney to represent you may be in your best interest if you have suffered a serious injury or illness due to your work. 


    An experienced attorney like Law Offices of RITE law can help you navigate the complex legal system, protect your rights, and advocate for the compensation you deserve. 

  • What does a workers' compensation lawyer do?

    A workers' compensation lawyer represents employees who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. They help their clients understand their rights and options and work to ensure that their clients receive the compensation they are entitled to. They may also help their clients obtain additional benefits such as disability payments or vocational rehabilitation.

    If you have questions or need help, please get in touch with the Law Offices of RITE law today for your Free Case Evaluation with one of our workers' compensation attorneys.

  • What does a workers' compensation defense attorney do?

    A workers' compensation defense attorney defends against workers' compensation claims by evaluating the evidence, negotiating settlements, and representing their clients in court if necessary. They may also advise their clients on preventing future claims and ensuring compliance with workers' compensation laws.

  • How often should I hear from my workers' comp attorney?

    Generally, you should hear from your workers' compensation attorney regularly throughout your case. The frequency of communication may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Still, your attorney should keep you informed of any new developments, provide updates on the progress of your case, and be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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